Our Journey Begins...

Gluten-free cake from Cake Works Bakery, Honolulu
2019 was a culminating year for food trauma - yes food trauma! After years of intestinal surgeries, becoming ill from what seemed like an ever changing set of reactions to random food, and a late-in-life diagnosis of celiac disease, I was beside myself. If you know me, I love food and I love chocolate-chip ice cream even more. My husband joined in my several year journey of trying to self-diagnose since the involvement of multiple doctors across three states yielded no clear answers. So we went vegetarian, then we eliminated fried foods, then we eliminated milk, and soon enough eating became a chore and a constant disappointment. And so with multiple internet researches later, along with book reads such as Grain Brain and others, we end 2019 determined to drastically change our eating habits, while focusing on remaininghealthy while still loving to eat. So we invite you to follow us throughout our journey in 2020 where we focus on plant-based, nutritious eating. Our expectations? More energy, better health, and clearer thinking as we enter the decade of our 50s! Oh God, are we really in our 50s? But first...a gluten free cake to end 2019 πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹


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